Dry summer lilies

Anne McNeil amcdeubner@gmail.com
Thu, 09 Apr 2015 06:19:36 PDT
I live in Siskiyou County in Northern CA and always have tons of seeds of L.
pardalinum after they bloom.  Mine is not the Shasta type even though I
live in one of the towns of the flanks of Mt. Shasta.  I haven't figured
out just what type of L. pardalinum they are.  They grown from 3-6' high
depending on age.  I would gladly donate seed to the seed exchange. Or send
them to those who want them if I get a SASE.  I can announce when I have
the seeds available.  These are lilies that grow on my property near the
creek and also farther away in drier conditions.  I will try attaching a
photo, For those that can't see the photo it has very long anthers and a
distinct color change from reddish to orange where the spots occur.  Many
flowers bloom on mature plants, with just one or a few on very young plants.

On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 8:09 AM, Jim Barton <jimb@customwindowsupply.com>

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