Homemade Slug Traps

Ceridwen Lloyd ceridwen@internode.on.net
Wed, 29 Apr 2015 00:19:44 PDT
The same thing, held together by string (to hang it up) thru 2 small holes and then filled with sugar water/Coke and something smelly like pet mince or oyster shells poking up from the liquid - works a treat for European wasps - dozens an hour

Sent from my iPhone

> On 29 Apr 2015, at 11:37 am, Judy Glattstein <jgglatt@gmail.com> wrote:
> Need clean 2-liter plastic soda bottle, scissors, stapler.
> Cut top off just above cylindrical portion of soda bottle.
> Invert top and insert into cylinder (should look like a funnel) and staple together.
> Drop slug pellets into device and lay on its side in some shady, popular-with-slugs area. Nestle into mulch a bit so it won't blow around.
> Attracted by bait the slugs climb in. Not being intellectually gifted, they cannot figure out how to get out.
> When it is very yucky, discard in trash and make a new one.
> Ancillary advantages - safe around birds, pets, small children. And you avoid getting slug-slimed hands as can happen with beer traps.
> Judy in New Jersey
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