Snail tossing...

P. C. Andrews
Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:31:16 PDT
Interesting report (…) on an article about controlling snail populations in gardens includes the simultaneously amusing and horrifying quote:

recent poll by the Royal Horticultural Society showed that one-in-five
gardeners in the UK have thrown snails into their neighbours' gardens. Whilst
our study shows that this may be more beneficial than actually killing them, we
believe the gardening community would benefit as a whole by removing the snails
to a convenient wasteland rather than passing the burden onto their

Gardeners can be such barbarians at times.  Now, where did my old slingshot go?

 Read more at:… recent poll by the 
Royal Horticultural Society showed that one-in-five gardeners in the UK 
have thrown snails into their neighbours' gardens. Whilst our study 
shows that this may be more beneficial than actually killing them, we 
believe the gardening community would benefit as a whole by removing the
 snails to a convenient wasteland rather than passing the burden onto 
their neighbours."

 Read more at:…,
PS- Original article is here:… and is actually quite interesting.… recent poll by the 
Royal Horticultural Society showed that one-in-five gardeners in the UK 
have thrown snails into their neighbours' gardens. Whilst our study 
shows that this may be more beneficial than actually killing them, we 
believe the gardening community would benefit as a whole by removing the
 snails to a convenient wasteland rather than passing the burden onto 
their neighbours."

 Read more at:… recent poll by the 
Royal Horticultural Society showed that one-in-five gardeners in the UK 
have thrown snails into their neighbours' gardens. Whilst our study 
shows that this may be more beneficial than actually killing them, we 
believe the gardening community would benefit as a whole by removing the
 snails to a convenient wasteland rather than passing the burden onto 
their neighbours."

 Read more at:… 		 	   		  

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