Waking up them winter growers?!

Rimmer deVries rdevries@comcast.net
Sun, 28 Sep 2014 12:08:43 PDT
Hi Ken

Haemanthus albiflorus and Haemanthus pauculifolius are evergreen in pots here.

Haemanthus coccineus started sending up leaves in early September - 

the pot of 3 has 2 smooth leaves and 1 fuzzy leaf  but they all came as H. coccineus. i wonder about their identity.  the other pot of coccineus is fuzzy. 
Veltheimia bracteata sent up new leaves in August and now flower buds are present- i grow these in shade on my porch but we had a freeze warning a week ago so they are now in my basement under lights.

Veltheimia bracteata seedlings started in June are now sending up green on porch.

Veltheimia capensis in a sunny spot in a pot also sent up leaves in August shortly after i repotted it and watered it in. 


SE Michigan
Zone 5
where we have had a week of 70-80F days, 40-50F nights

On Sep 26, 2014, at 7:43 PM, Kenneth <k.preteroti@verizon.net> wrote:

>  Veltheimia bracteata is leafing out but not [V]. capensis, and none of the Haemanthus are doing anything. Is this normal? 
> Ken P
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