question about Cyrtanthus hybrids BX 346

Hans Huizing
Mon, 08 Sep 2014 04:56:02 PDT
A question for Roy Herold,

I have bulbs from BX 346
They were donated by Roy Herold.

Roy do you have more information on these two Hybrids?
Could nr. 17 be a C. eucallus Hybrid?

nr 17 is flowering just now with a beautiful, as you say, soft and delicate orange.
Looks a lot like the last picture of Cyrtanthus eucallus hybrids on the PBS wiki.

17. Cyrtanthus hybrid #1 ex Logee's. Big, soft orange trumpets. Evergreen.

18. Cyrtanthus hybrid #2 ex Logee's. Smaller medium orange trumpets fading to pink. Evergreen.


Hans Huizing

*H. J. Huizing*

Wapendrager 38

7943 RP Meppel

Holland //
Tel: (0031) 0522-440717

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