At 05:33 PM 10/12/2014, Alberto Castillo wrote: >Please note it is Scilla maDERENsis Ken Preteroti was kind enough to send me a photo of the purple bulb he got from Longwood Gardens to add to the wiki. Before I added it I reviewed some of the posts from people over the years and puzzled over the spelling since Jane McGary once suggested the spelling that Alberto is saying is correct. From IPNI: Hyacinthaceae Scilla madeirensis Menezes Brotéria. Sér. Bot. 1926, xxii. 24; et in Broteria, Ser. Bot. 1927, xxiii.76. From the World Checklist: Scilla madeirensis Menezes, Brotéria, Sér. Bot. 22: 24 (1926). This name is accepted. This is the spelling that Kew uses and that the Plant List uses. I found this spelling on Tropicos as well. The only data base I could find that lists a plant with the spelling Scilla maderensis plant was Tropicos, but they only have a listing for a variety, Scilla maderensis var. melliodora Svent. Neither the species nor a variety under this spelling is found on IPNI. And when you click on all of the possible references from Tropicos none of them list a species under this spelling. I found a post from 2011 on the pbs list from a correspondent from Madeira who described this plant (maderensis var. melliodora) as "a very rare variant known only to occur in the remote archipelago of selvagens islands, and even here they only grow on the Selvagem pequena, an islet which is less than 1 km square of area. The amazing thing is that the flowers are scented and might be pollinated by endemic lizzards (Lacerta dugesii subsp selvagensis and Tarentola bischofii). The leaves are more silvery too and I suspect this might be a new species as it differs a lot from the standard form." I left the spelling on the wiki as Scilla maderiensis with a note that you sometimes see it spelled as Scilla maderensis. It seems to be another one of those plants that an Internet Search will yield you information under both spellings which makes it confusing. Was it misspelled when it was named perhaps?