SX 1

William Hoffmann
Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:15:57 PDT
Dear Steve,
   I would be interested in
114    Cyclamen cilicicum, 'Album'    JM
115    Cyclamen cyprium    JM
137    Hippeastrum blossfeldiae    NN
140    Hippeastrum striatum    NN



On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Steve Marak <> wrote:
> The items below have been donated by our members and friends to be shared.
> If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY
> at:
> Include "SX 1" in the subject line.
> It is better to FORWARD this email to the above address rather than
> attempting to REPLY to it as your reply will probably go to the entire PBS
> list, and since my mail program will sort private replies ahead of replies
> to the list, this will cause your request to be processed later. As requests
> are filled first-come-first-served, replying to the list will reduce your
> chance of receiving items that are in short supply.
> You may request 1 or 2 packets of any item. Specify the quantity (1 or 2)
> and the item number. Please also include your shipping address. When you
> receive your seeds, you will find enclosed a statement of what you owe the
> PBS treasurer ($2.00 US per packet + shipping).
> Many of you are members of the PBS mailing list, which is free, but are not
> members of the Pacific Bulb Society which has a yearly membership charge.
> ONLY PBS MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS SX. If you are not a member, please
> consider joining so that you can participate in future offers such as this
> one. Go to:
> for membership information.
> Thank you to all of our generous donors!
> Note: this is my first time fulfilling an SX, and I am not Dell - please
> bear with me as I get everything sorted out.
> Steve
> 101    Albuca shawii    UU
> 102    Albuca sp., tall, white, evergreen    UU
> 103    Allium cernuum, 'Hidcote'    UU
> 104    Allium rubrovittatum    JM
> 105    Allium sp., ex Chiapas    NN
> 106    Androcymbium dregei    RH
> 107    Aristea ecklonii    JL
> 108    Bowiea nana    RH
> 109    Calydorea amabilis    NN
> 110    Calydorea xiphioides    NN
> 111    Canna  paniculata ?    UU
> 112    Crocus tournefortii    JM
> 113    Cyclamen africanum, silver center    RH
> 114    Cyclamen cilicicum, 'Album'    JM
> 115    Cyclamen cyprium    JM
> 116    Cyclamen rohlfsianum    RH
> 117    Cypella herbertii    NP
> 118    Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus    NN
> 119    Cyrtanthus breviflorus    NN
> 120    Daubenya alba*    RH
> 121    Daubenya stylosa*    RH
> 122    Dracunculus canariensis    UU
> 123    Ferraria divaricata ex Telos    KC
> 124    Freesia, mixed, OP    KC
> 125    Fritillaria biflora x purdyi    JM
> 126    Fritillaria obliqua    JM
> 127    Gladiolus dalenii    NN
> 128    Gladiolus 'Eno Orange' (G. dalenii)    NP
> 129    Gloriosa (Littonia modesta)    NN
> 130    Habranthus sp., 'Cherry Pink'    PS
> 131    Habranthus texanus    TE
> 132    Habranthus tubispathus    NN
> 133    Habranthus tubispathus    PS
> 134    Habranthus tubispathus, OP, ex BX 355    KC
> 135    Herbertia lahue    NN
> 136    Herbertia tigrioides    NN
> 137    Hippeastrum blossfeldiae    NN
> 138    Hippeastrum hyb. Small, pink, fragrant    UU
> 139    Hippeastrum 'Minerva' x 'Black Pearl'    KC
> 140    Hippeastrum striatum    NN
> 141    Ipomoea sp. blue, mid-sized flowers, tuberous    UU
> 142    Lachenalia latifolia*    RH
> 143    Lilium formosanum, short, ex Taiwan    JL
> 144    Lilium humboldtii    NN
> 145    Massonia hirsuta, NNBH812-2    RH
> 146    Massonia pustulata, pruple leaves    RH
> 147    Massonia sp. *Massonia jasminiflora, Winberg*    RH
> 148    Massonia sp., IBS 97-142    RH
> 149    Ornithogalum (Galtonia) viridilorum    NN
> 150    Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum, HBG118287    KC
> 151    Ornithogalum magnum    UU
> 152    Ornithogalum regale    NN
> 153    Orthrosanthus chimboracensis    NN
> 154    Othonna perfoliata    RH
> 155    Phaedranassa cinerea    DB
> 156    Phalocallis coelestis    JL
> 157    Polyxena longituba*    RH
> 158    Polyxena odorata    RH
> 159    Polyxena pygmaea, Karas    RH
> 160    Rhadamanthus (Drimia) sp. aff. Platyphyllus    RH
> 161    Rhadamanthus platyphyllus, ex Hammer*    RH
> 162    Romulea minutiflora*    RH
> 163    Sprekelia formosissima    NN
> 164    Tigridia multiflora    NN
> 165    Tulbaghia acutiloba    NN
> 166    Tulbaghia acutiloba, Devon    NN
> 167    Tulbaghia galpinii    NN
> 168    Tulipa sprengeri    JM
> 169    Zephyranthes primulina    UU
> "*"seeds which were harvested more than one year ago
> DB = Dave Boucher
> KC = Karl Church
> TE = Tim Eck
> RH = Roy Herold
> JL= Jonathan Lubar
> JM = Jane McGary
> NN = Nhu Nguyen
> NP = Nick Plummer
> PS= Pamela Slate
> UU = Uli Urban
> _______________________________________________
> pbs mailing list

William A. Hoffmann
Associate Professor
Department of Plant Biology
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC, 27695-7612
Phone: (919) 513-7668…

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