source for Massonia jasminiflora

Gastil Gastil-Buhl
Wed, 07 May 2014 12:41:02 PDT
We received a request via the contact form to help find a source for Massonia jasminiflora, plants in growth or bulbs, not seeds. 
Morty has searched the sources listed on the wiki sources page already. 
If you know of a source please write to the list and Morty will view the answers on the web view.
He wants this plant because it is small and compact and very fragrant.
The wiki page he refers to is:…

original message:
I would like to get one of these plants but I tried every search engine on the internet with no success. Your 4th and 5th photos of it in your description strip are what I would like. Thanks for any help you can offer. 

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