Hello Folks, I had a beautiful Crinodonna 'Summer Maiden' that I purchased from White Flower Farm many years ago which was ravaged by mealy bugs a couple of years ago. I took a chance and planted it in the garden (well mulched) in the hopes of ridding the those dang beasties, but due to the extreme winter we just had, I lost it (sob). I have been trying to locate 'Summer Maiden' but it seems to have disappeared from cultivation and all I can find is 'Fred Howard'. While FH is pretty, the blooms are too irregular for my taste and I like tidy well-formed blooms. I was doing a search on the internet and I found Amarcrinum 'Coutts' WOW is that a beauty!!! Does anyone know where I can find either 'Summer Maiden' or 'Coutts'? Any help would be very appreciated. Warm Regards, Fred Biasella Cambridge (Boston) MA USDA Zone 6b