Best dissecting microscopes for botanical subjects?

Aad van Beek
Sat, 08 Feb 2014 13:09:39 PST
There is a special camera that does this by using various lenses in one shot a Lytro.

> On 8 feb. 2014, at 21:06, "Tim Eck" <> wrote:
> It may be worth mentioning if anyone here is a software guru or twelve year
> old, there are some really cool things you can do with photomicrographs
> nowadays to remove all blurring from limited depth of field.  It involves
> taking several images where the only thing you change is the focal distance
> and then create a composite saving only the in-focus parts of each image.
> This is surprisingly simple for digital images since a sharp sub-image or
> neighborhood is defined by high local variation in brightness as measured by
> standard deviation or range.
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