Hymenocallis Pygmaea

Leo A. Martin leo@possi.org
Wed, 12 Feb 2014 09:54:48 PST
Brad asked

> Late last spring I acquired an Hymenocallis Pygmaea?
> seedling. I planted it in a clay pot and it spent the
> summer in the corner of my Koi pond.... In the fall it
> was moved to an east facing window with the pot in
> another pot of water at the same level. It seems
> to be doing OK. Albeit, I feel it is slow.

While I haven't grown this plant, other Hymenocallis grow during warm weather, and do
best in mostly full sun. I wouldn't expect much from your pygmy during the winter. Next
summer keep it as warm as possible in Canada and give it a lot of sun. You will also see
that overpotting Hymenocallis is a very good idea.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA

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