International Rock Gardener e-magazine - major Eranthis article

Youngs Aberdeen
Sun, 02 Feb 2014 12:47:20 PST
International Rock Gardener e-magazine -  January 2014 IRG 49  :…

This month the IRG breaks with habit to present a single genus issue.  Eranthis, ( also known, confusingly, as is often the case with common names, 
as Winter Aconites) are one of the delights of late winter ad  early spring  in the garden. Wim Boens explores the main species and a number of cultivars 
of this increasingly popular plant. 

 Wild flowers tend to be all the more beautiful by their habit of carpeting the ground and in Carolyn Walker's blog*** 
 (…   )  she shows  how charming  Eranthis  in quantity can be.  
For most of the new cultivars, though,  these are still being enjoyed, for the most part, as small plants in pots  but in time these  
plants should  prove to be as valuable in our gardens as the presently more  widespread species. 

Even as Wim has collated his lists of cultivars, yet more are being shown in the pages of the SRGC Forum  
as well as examples of variants  in the species.( ) 

The main IRG page where all issues are available:…

Whether your winter is still in full flow or your spring is just beginning we hope you will enjoy this IRG devoted to these 
tuberous members of the Ranunculaceae. 

 M. Y. 

 ***The cultivar 'Lightning' was actually selected from the park that Carolyn profiled in her post..... small world, isn't it? 

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