Surplus bulbs

Diana Chapman
Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:42:34 PDT
Dear All:

I have been told that I can't offer things like the Crinums to PBS 
members because it is 'commercial'.

If anyone has any ideas of how to dispose of bulbs like these I would 
like to hear it.  These are very large bulbs, over ten years old and 
measuring up to 6" in diameter, weighing about 2lbs each (without the 
roots).  I can't send them to the BX, they don't want bulbs like this.  
I can't send them free, it would cost me a fortune in postage, and I 
also have to unpot the lot of them myself, which at age 72 is going to 
be very difficult for me (my helpers don't work in the greenhouses where 
I use chemicals).  I am not in a climate where they make good garden 
plants, it is too cold.  I am off the beaten track, so getting help from 
members is not possible. It is very sad for me to discontinue these 
lovely bulbs.  I let them go dry in the winter, then I water in spring 
and within four days they are all in bloom and are a magnificent sight.  
It is going to be really heartbreaking to take them to the dump.


P.S.  And, by the way, because someone asked, I am NOT going out of 
business, just trying to open up space and make my life easier.

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