Pamianthe peruviana and Worsleya selfing

Stephen Putman
Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:37:56 PDT

I have selfed Worsleya and there are numerous people out there who may 
well be growing what by now should be moderately large plants of 
Worsleya to verify this.

I have not tried to do Pamianthe.

My experience with Hippeastrum is that with the right timing, and a bit 
of luck I'm sure, some of the otherwise self incompatible species will 
set and mature seed.  I've been sending some of the results of my 
experiments there along to the BX.

I would like to hear if anyone who got Worsleya seed from me has still 
got the plants growing. Mine are, but despite that the parent was a 
winter blooming plant which starts growth with a good soil drenching in 
autumn, the seedlings only break dormancy in early spring no matter what 
tricks I try.

Steve Putman

On 8/7/2014 6:06 PM, Ronald Redding wrote:
> Hi
> Just thought I would add my experience with both pamianthe and worsleya - I have found them both to be self compatible without any doubt
> what so ever.
> All the best
> Ron
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