pbs Digest, Vol 139, Issue 8

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:42:59 PDT
Regarding Aroideana, it is still published as a paper journal, with all
black and white photos. The online version allows ample color reproductions
at nil cost. Lots of color and easy e-distribution free up valuable
resources to serve a rather small membership community.

It may be that soon new species and other important matters of record will
be sanctioned in online publications, but in the meantime there are lots of
folks who enjoy holding a book or magazine and reading it. There are
various ways to print on-demand these days; the cost of a small run could
be borne by those members desiring paper copies. More modernized members
could be served by the online version only.

A shortfall of dedicated people to do the work or organizing and producing
is routinely cited as the main problem in many struggling plant societies.
The greater problem is simply the lack of enough members to support
activities that everyone agrees are worthwhile. A national or international
society that stays at a few hundred members will not be able to undertake
ambitious efforts.

Dylan Hannon

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