Nick. I can't speak for Amorphophallus konjac, but I did receive some dried seeds of A. kiusianus from the North American Rock Garden Seed Exchange earlier this year. I soaked the seeds for about a week in tap water, then planted them. I got 100% germination, even though it did take about two months. I've also had good germination from dried seed of Sauromatum venosum. Somehow, I think Dell would prefer dried seeds... Eugene Zielinski Prescott Valley, AZ USA > [Original Message] > From: Nicholas Plummer <> > To: Pacific Bulb Society <> > Date: 8/26/2014 4:41:02 PM > Subject: [Norton AntiSpam][pbs] Amorphophallus seed storage > > I recently sent some clean Amorphophallus konjac seed to Dell for the BX, under the assumption that some people growing a single clone might like to introduce some genetic diversity into their collection. However, I have just read that Amorphophallus seed should not be stored dry, because it dessicates rapidly. Should I have sent intact fruit instead? About two thirds of the fruit are still on the rapidly disintegrating stem. > > Nick Plummer >