Home is Melbourne, Australia. I have a couple of small seedlings of S nutans, each with a single leaf. I received the seed earlier this year from the US and it germinated immediately but I am a bit confused as to when its growing season actually is in the southern hemisphere. S pole-evansii seed received from Silverhill in Autumn germinated immediately but have only formed small bulbils - I presume they will start to grow shortly as their growing season is over spring summer here. Mature plants are currently dormant. Similarly, S membranaceus seed sown at about the same time germinated immediately forming small bilbils which look like they are about to shoot. Mature plants of S puniceus have come out of dormancy and are only days away from flowering whilst S multiflorus doesn't go completely dormant but flowers regularly for me in Summer. So, is anyone growing S nutans in the southern hemisphere and can help me with my dilemma!