I've downloaded David Griiffiths, The Production of Lily Bulbs, USDA Circular 102, February 1930. 56 pages Will share files although note it was downloaded page by page as pdf and folder is over 50 mb. A great article with colorful narrative about propagating lilies in greenhouse and direct seeding into the field, bulb production and commercial harvest, handling using technology of the era. Images of Bellingham bulb experiment station and depression era views. Such as when hand seeding into the field using 15 year old boys who have small hands to sprinkle seeds into the rill with paper cups. Reminds me of my own experiences in early 50's interning at a commercial nursery on Long Island. I've printed out and bound for my own reference. Rich Haard If interested, let me know and I will try to forward the 56 files as a single emailing to multiple recipients mailing in a few days.