hand-pollenating Moraea with a Q-tip and a botanical latin glossary

Diane Whitehead voltaire@islandnet.com
Tue, 26 Mar 2013 10:36:44 PDT
I haven't pollinated Moraeas with stored pollen, but I used to keep  
rhododendron stamens in my house for several months - just sitting on  
little dishes.  Iris stamens also, but only for a couple of weeks  
because the bloom time is shorter for iris.  Then I would pick up the  
stamens with tweezers and brush them onto the stigma.

On 26-Mar-13, at 9:56 AM, M. Gastil-Buhl wrote:

> Also, it turns out a Q-tip does not work as well as I had hoped. But I
> did not want to store a watercolor brush in the freezer.

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