What's eating my bulb flowers?

B Spencer bea.spencer@sympatico.ca
Tue, 12 Mar 2013 06:48:08 PDT
Not likely. I have rabbits galore. Coyotes and owls make a dent but not 
enough. In the years we have a resident fox, I celebrate. Rabbits are not 
selective. They would nibble the foliage too. At least they do that in my 
Bea Zone5 in Ontario

On 3/11/2013 4:40 PM, Rodger Whitlock wrote:
> This spring, my crocus flowers have been eaten by some unknown critter. 
> The
> flower buds are nibbled down to next to nothing, but the foliage is 
> intact.
> Other flowers affected include Cyclamen coum, where the entire flower and 
> calyx
> are neatly nipped off, and some anemones. In many cases, there are 
> fragments of
> the flower scattered on the soil below.

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