fawn lily

clayton3120 clayton3120 clayton3120@cablespeed.com
Thu, 28 Mar 2013 09:07:08 PDT
In Seattle,
Erythronium revolutum roseum  grows successfully for me  sometimes in a
partially shaded bed, the soil having been amended with organic material,
and some summer water.   Seedlings come up on their own , but , oddly in
cracks in the sidewalk next to the bed.  I'm not entirely sure why,but they
seem to prefer, and easily find this spot  more often than the bed itself.
   Perhaps they prefer the leaner soil, the cover of  concrete stepping
stones for a very cool root run, or something else? The soil beneath the
stepping stones is clay loam, not organically amended  soil.    The seed
would get ample winter chill, some freezing, but at least 8-12 weeks of
30's-40's temps.
I know fresh seed is important, as I've raised seedlings in a seed pan
before, and germination occured  after the first cycle of stratification.
Rick K

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 6:22 AM, Diana Chapman <rarebulbs@suddenlink.net>wrote:

> Richard:
> I have found that seed that is more than a year old is very difficult to
> germinate.  I germinate all my seed in the refrigerator, putting it in
> vermiculite in plastic bags and leaving it there until I see signs of
> germination, usually about three months.
> >
> >
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