Fw: Fwd: opinion piece on seed vendors

Nathan Lange plantsman@comcast.net
Wed, 06 Mar 2013 15:55:05 PST


You are correct.  The writer's needs/wants are definitely not the 
same as mine.  Instead of trying to promote and profit from a series 
of "organic" gardening books, I was looking for some actual 
horticultural information.  There was none to be found.  In an 
article supposedly about selecting seed sources, I think the author 
could have at least mentioned something that is known to be true for 
seed germination (or even the word "germination" for that 
matter).  For example, with many species, seed size and seed density 
matters.  For at least the past several decades, seed companies have 
been sorting vegetable and annual seed based on density for improved 
and uniform germination rates in commercial plug production (search 
Google with the words "plug" and "seed" if you are unfamiliar with 
plug production).  Most gardeners don't grow plugs but most do care 
about good seed germination especially if one is purchasing an 
expensive packet of just five or ten F1 hybrid seeds.  Getting back 
to the author's assertions, which plants do you think will produce 
bigger, denser seeds?  Well fed conventionally grown plants with 
greatly reduced insect and disease pressure or plants that had a 
significant portion of their limited resources consumed or allocated 
to pest infestation?  The science is already in on this one.  By any 
objective measure, the so called "coddled/pampered" seeds are the 
"rugged" seeds.  Do any seed companies sort their seed for home 
gardeners based on density?  I don't know and neither do any of the 
readers of this work of science fiction in question.  But then, I'm 
probably biased because I believe in prenatal care too.


>Only in this case the
>writer is also concerned with how the seed was raised relative to inputs.
>Perhaps one might call it a pampered versus rugged seed.  Evidentially the
>writer's needs/wants are not the same as yours.
>NE California where a snow storm is blowing in
>-----Original Message-----
>From: pbs-bounces@lists.ibiblio.org [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.ibiblio.org]
>On Behalf Of Ina
>Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 11:40 PM
>To: Pacific Bulb Society
>Subject: Re: [pbs] Fw: Fwd: opinion piece on seed vendors
>I don't agree.  For one thing to growseed which is of plants which grow well
>in that areais a suggestion. This article is about bulk growing of seed,
>this would not apply to our seed growing from our own bulbs.  It all depends
>on how one reads the article.
>Now I'llwait to get shot down in flames.......
>Ina Crossley
>Auckland New Zealand  Zone 10
>On 6/03/2013 7:47 p.m., Nathan Lange wrote:
> > This opinion piece is just another boring mix of anti-GMO rants and
> > fear mongering "organic" propaganda.  There is nothing in this article
> > of any horticultural merit.
> >
> > Nathan
> >
> >
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