Watsonia doesn't bloom

Alberto Castillo ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com
Fri, 08 Mar 2013 12:14:38 PST

If in S. California you should win all the golds at Shows! The problem is lack of water. They probably dessicate too much losing substance during the summer. This, providing it is one of the winter cycle watsonias.

> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 16:01:55 +0000
> To: pbs@lists.ibiblio.org
> From: pbs@pilling.demon.co.uk
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Watsonia doesn't bloom
> Hi,
> In message <BAY156-W594EA589E7F63A6E73AF34AEE50@phx.gbl>, Alberto 
> Castillo <ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com> writes
> >Well, at least some location info to start with!
> ".the clumps are in the sun and we have clay soil, tending to dry most 
> of the year, tho' I water by hand
> occaisionally.
> B.  I am in Southern California."
> Original message...
> ===================
> Dear Friends, I can't get my watsonia to bloom! I've been patient for 
> years and have lots of foliage and never any flowers. We fertilize, 
> water, cajole, shame and beg, and NEVER ANY FLOWERS! Can you help??
> -- 
> David Pilling
> email: david@pilling.demon.co.uk
>    web: http://www.davidpilling.net/
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