Clivia caulescens

Joseph Kraatz
Sat, 06 Jul 2013 06:27:27 PDT
I grow all species and many hybrids of Clivia.  They are all under the same conditions.   Under canopies of trees with watering when they are close to dry.   The only real difference between C. nobilis and C. caulescens is that caulescens has a long 'neck'.   It is the tallest growing of all species.  Joe

On Jul 5, 2013, at 11:23 PM, "AW" <> wrote:

> I was presented with a few young specimens of Clivia caulescens some months
> ago. While referred to in the genus introduction, there is no entry there
> for this species. It seems like a worthwhile task. 
> In the meanwhile, while I am guessing the most appropriate location for it,
> can somebody advise on how its demands in the garden differ from forms of C.
> nobilis, C. miniata, etc? Thanks
> Andrew
> San Diego
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