> Tony Avent showed: three selections from Jim Shields cross of Crinum variabile x bulbispermums > > http://gallery.plantdelights.com/v/Crinum-Lilies/… > http://gallery.plantdelights.com/v/Crinum-Lilies/… > http://gallery.plantdelights.com/v/Crinum-Lilies/… and Jay Yourch showed his latest 'Lady Chameleon' x 'Mrs James Hendry' http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Dear Tony , Jay and all,, Seems like there;s lots of good news on the horizon for Crinum lovers. There are very few people that grow Crinum in my Kansas City Metro area and there is increasing evidence for the hardiness of more species, hybrids and selections. I find these new selections very exciting and I am eager to try some of them. I urge other PBS members in cooler climates to give Crinum a try. So Tony when will Jim Shield's hybrids be on the market? Jay and yours? And what about Tissue culture of the best and get them out far and wide.? Thanks and best to all. Jim W.