washing pumice

Ina Crossley klazina1@gmail.com
Thu, 04 Jul 2013 15:36:37 PDT
As Jane McGary also suggested that, I thought I would try that.  
Pressure hosing the pumice in a larger container, with a bit of a hole 
at the bottom. The hole quickly got blocked up, so I kept pressure 
filling the container and pouring of the milky liquid. After 12 lots of 
that the water still looks as milky as it did at the beginning.

And the lawn looks whiter and whiter, no idea what it will do to the grass.

And this was supposed to be washed pumice when I got it....

But thank you Brian and Jane.

On 5/07/2013 10:00 a.m., Brian Whyer wrote:
>> Brian, pumice floats.  Actually, not enough to skim it off either, but
>> it doesn't settle at the bottom, which would make life a lot easier if
>> it did.
>> Ina
> Then I guess wet or dry sieving may be the best technique, if the fines are the same density as the coarser particles. Or pressure wash it with a hose.
> Brian
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Ina Crossley
Auckland New Zealand zone 10a

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