Rooting Broken Piece of Cyclamen rohlfsianum

Judy Glattstein
Sat, 21 Dec 2013 10:37:41 PST
Cyclamen rohlfsianum has unusual finger-like projections from the bottom 
of the tuber. When repotting at summer's end this year I broke one of 
the projections off. Perusing some literature the unanimous advice was 
that, like dahlias, the broken piece has no capability of producing shoots.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Dusted with powdered sulfur (my go-to 
fungicide for this sort of thing) potted it up in a clay pot using a 
gritty mix and put in the sand plunge bed in my greenhouse.

Clearly, plants don't read the books because it slowly came to life and 
made excellent leaf growth. And I swapped with a friend in the local 
rock garden society chapter. She now has a C. rohlfsianum to add to her 
collection, and I now have a C. africanum.

C. rohlfsianum has such big leaves that I don't think I could 
accommodate two of them.

Happy solstice everyone. Remember, every day is another day closer to 
spring (in this hemisphere) and the days will now be getting longer, but 
not very noticeably.

Judy in New Jersey where the weather has reversed itself to quite mild 
and the snow is condensing. Tomorrow is supposed to reach the high 60s 
Fahrenheit, then plunge again next week.

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