I thought I would Google how to test for moisture in plant containers, and it is suggested to use skewers! Now that would suit me wonderfully. My containers are high up, which makes them much easier to work with, and full with pumice mix, about 30 litre containers, they are heavy. It was also mentioned that moisture readers are no good in pumice and similar, while skewers work just fine. To test poke the skewer in, remove and hold on inside of wrist, or against cheek. Also if any soil particles cling to the skewer, obviously the soil is damp. Eureka!!! This gives a bit of an idea about what I mean with containers. https://picasaweb.google.com/105705718728872493718… Something that forum also mentioned, that in big containers if the roots are fairly shallow, to fill the bottom up with plastic bottles. Then cover with plastic mesh before filling with whatever mix is used. Ina -- Ina Crossley Auckland New Zealand zone 10a