Captain Hook. Arnold NJ On 12/24/13, Leo A. Martin wrote: Ceridwen wrote > holiday project is to try and install > something to simulate fog for my > Californian redwood. Ideas also appreciated! I also know a friend who used standard drip irrigation microspray emitters on poles, just above the plants, to mist his Fouquieria columnaris (boojum) plants here in the lower Sonoran desert. This plant is from the small winter-rainfall area of northern Baja California and doesn't like our summer heat. It worked well with the emitters going off by timer, three times per day, every day of the year, for 15 minutes each time. When your redwoods become happy you will need to keep extending the poles frequently. Another possibility would be to grow Taxodium mucronatum, the Montezuma cypress, whose foliage when small somewhat resembles a redwood's. It tolerates blazing desert heat if it be well-watered (in habitat it grows beside and in rivers.) Tucson's Sabino Canyon was named for this tree, which formerly grew there, until the US Army cut them all down to build Fort Lowell during the Apache wars. The trunk of Fouquieria columnaris looks like an upside-down white carrot so there is bulb content in this drivel. Extra credit if you recognize the source of the Subject: quote. Leo (Santa) Martin Phoenix Arizona USA