Germinating Arum

Rodger Whitlock
Thu, 15 Aug 2013 11:31:32 PDT
On 14 Aug 2013, at 19:24, J.E. Shields wrote:

> I need advice on how to germinate seeds of Arum sp. from Eastern Europe.
> I have been soaking them in several changes of water since receiving them a week
> or two ago.  None have germinated so far, at least as far as I can tell by
> looking.
> Do they need stratification to induce germination?

The soaking was a good idea, but now they need to be sown in 
pots and put outside in a cold frame until they germinate next 

A general rule, with a great many exceptions, is that seeds 
germinate around the same time mature plants of the same 
species leaf out in spring (or fall or whenever).

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Z. 7-8, cool Mediterranean climate

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