Leaf miners in amaryllids

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Tue, 20 Aug 2013 12:28:58 PDT
The following inquiry has come to the PBS website. If you have a 
solution for Donald Kuonen, please write to him directly.

Jane McGary

>X-UNC-NotifySpamByPass: True
>X-IronPort-AV: E=Sophos;i="4.89,921,1367985600";
>    d="scan'208";a="1018412701"
>Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 07:36:19 -0700
>X-Authentication-Warning: vhost1.lb.ibiblio.org: apache set sender 
>to david@pilling.demon.co.uk using -f
>To: janemcgary@earthlink.net
>Subject: PBS website contact:///leaf/ miners
>From: Donald Kuonen <drkuonen@hotmail.com>
>X-ELNK-Received-Info: spv=0;
>X-ELNK-Info: sbv=0; sbrc=.0; sbf=0b; sbw=000;
>This is a message from the PBS website for janemcgary. I have 
>several amaryllis in pots and in the ground in Arkansas. Leaf miners 
>are my biggest problem. What insecticide can I use to fix this? 
>Thanx, Don -- Pacific Bulb Society web site email: 

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