Dear Members, I must write to you concerning dispelling information to the organization. First off, may I just say.... Nature abhors rules. Have you heard this before? If something does well in a certain cultural practice, in your climate, in your situation, does it necessarily apply to someone in another situation? Theoretically, it would seem so, but in practice.... not always and in some cases, rarely, if not at all. Book knowledge is always a starting point, but practical knowledge trumps the books, whoever or whatever the case may be. Scientific, and inquisitive minds exhaust the possibilities, search for answers, and always QUESTION! Absolutes always raise my hackles. I have seen , and continue to see absolutes disseminated in this forum. Please, please make yourselves aware that what works for you may or may not be the answer in another situation. On a personal note, I could refute and challenge much that I read on here . Chromosomes matching before a cross can take place? How do you explain an intergeneric cross then, where practically NOTHING is aligned? Never use organic mulches for potted bulbs? Oh dear, please come and see my operation! Fall, winter , and spring! etc. etc.etc. We are some of the leaders in cultural information, and experience. And, it doesn't always cross over from person to person, situation to situation. If you have something to contribute, may I suggest you begin with, For me..... or.. I have found that....... Rick K