I agree with Peter and Shmuel that summer moisture for potted bulbs should be just enough to maintain a little humidity in the medium, not the thorough watering that Jim Jones seemed to be describing. If I think my bulbs might get too dry, especially when I used to grow them in plunged pots, I would just "wave" the water wand over the area briefly. A real soaking will either rot the bulbs or start them into root growth prematurely, and then subsequent drying will harm them or indeed kill them. I never soak mine until cool, damp weather arrives in autumn. These are, of course, all summer-dormant species. I'd add that seedling bulbs may tolerate more summer water than mature ones. I just potted on a lot of Fritillaria amana (yellow form) seedling bulbs that I had inadvertently left in a flat that was watered regularly all summer, and they look fine. Shmuel mentioned "dew" providing moisture to dormant Chilean bulbs. In the case of the wonderful bulbous flora of the northern coastal region, it is actually fog, the camanchaca. Like Namibia in Africa, the Atacama region of Chile is a "fog desert." (In some inland parts of it there are no plants at all, ever, except perhaps where seeds are dispersed by road traffic.) However, the bulbs that grow there don't even emerge unless they experience actual rainfall and runoff, remaining dormant for years continuously until that happens. There are some sclerophyllous shrubs that grow and even flower a bit in the dry years, and they are adapted to trapping the moisture from the fog. Like some of the bulbs I saw in Jordan, the Atacama bulbs tend to have very thick, persistent tunics with a number of layers. Also, they can be very deep in the ground. Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA