I found this gladiolus this morning growing out of a large clump of Crinum moorei. The only reference to something similar from seeds I had planted that could be old enough to flower is G. caryophyllaceus, however it flowers in the spring. Does any one have any thoughts on an ID? The stem is gray-green, and no leaves are present. I've been contemplating dividing the Crinum moorei as it is in a very large and now very crowded tub and they have not bloomed for two years. Does anyone have a recommendation on the best time to do this. I would be inclined at this point to wait until spring if this gladiouls proves to be a winter grower. Also, very happy that all of the Paramongaia weberbauri seeds germinated! Now to keep them alive. Not having as good of luck with the Scadoxus cyrtanthiflorus but they may yet do something. Randy Monterey Bay Region, California -- * * * *