Boophone disticha

Randall P. Linke
Tue, 01 May 2012 19:20:06 PDT
I have an abundance of California 15's, the deep variety of 15 "gallon"
nursery container.  I was thinking of planting five or six, one to a pot (I
have B. disticha and B. haemanthioides that are about two to three years
old and rather abused).  It sounds like from the description of the root
run this would not be too much, but is it overkill if three to a 10 gallon
container will come into bloom?

Monterey Bay Region, California
Mediterranean climate, zone 9

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 12:48 PM, MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER <> wrote:

> >
> >   I have a number of Boophone Disticha that were started from Silverhill
> seed almost ten years ago.
> >
> Mine from the same source began blooming in year 11, three bulbs per 10
> gallon container.
> Mark Mazer
> Hertford, North Carolina USA
> Zone 8
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