Hi, My partner Nhu Nguyen and I wanted to share this happy event with other bulb aficionados: This rare desert gem opened it's flower a few hours ago and is currently emitting a powerful, fresh, pleasant scent, not unlike that of Brugmansia suaveolens. The flower will close by tomorrow morning. There is a slight chance it may try to re-open the following night, but in my experience this species' 2nd showing is not as spectacular with a weaker form and fragrance. This is the third consecutive blooming from this bulb in three years. What a treat! Crinum minimum is the smallest Crinum species in South Africa and is at least one of the smallest in the world. I actually think that it is indeed the smallest, but if there is one smaller I hope someone will point it out to me. Leaves 6-10cm long and 1-2mm wide with entire margins emerge from this petite bulb. This species has singular adaptations, entirely unique among SA Crinum. It inhabits hot and dry places that have prolonged droughts where the only rain arrives via erratic thunderstorms which can occur from Oct to April (Northwest Province). The leaves behave in the manner of Ammocharis coranica, dying back if it is too dry but returning in the same season when more water is available. Also this species will remain completely dormant and never grow leaves unless rainfall is sufficient, skipping consecutive years.¹ ¹Craib C. 1997. Crinum minimum: One of South Africa's Most Unusual Bulbous Plants. Herbertia 52: 101-108. Check out these pictures, taken moments ago: http://flickr.com/photos/morabeza79/… http://flickr.com/photos/morabeza79/… To keep up with my botanical blogging, bookmark my flickr :) I also just started a tumblr <http://phyto-porno.tumblr.com/> for those who are into that. Aloha, Jacob Berkeley, California