which potting mixture

Brian Whyer brian.whyer@btinternet.com
Thu, 31 May 2012 14:34:08 PDT
Apparently was a Fisons product line but now from http://omex.co.uk/horticulture/ProductItem.aspx/… long as you want a tonne at a time. Maybe we should get together.
Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8'ish

>From: MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER <markmazerandfm13@earthlink.net>
>To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> 
>Sent: Thursday, 31 May 2012, 20:18
>Subject: Re: [pbs] re which potting mixture
>> I have not heard of Nutricote, it suggests here that it is not available
>> the UK
>> Peter (UK)
>That could be true.  Sounds like a business opportunity to me.
>pbs mailing list

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