Whats blooming now - week of April 30th, 2012

Bulborum Botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Thu, 03 May 2012 15:23:25 PDT
The first year (Late planted) al my acajewea's where green leaved
I complained at the company where I bought them
but to my surprise
the year after they where nice variegated

So there is hope for you Jim


2012/5/3 James Waddick <jwaddick@kc.rr.com>:
> Blooming now and 'Fly By'....

>        Some very late planted bulbs of Camassia 'Sacajewea' are
> coming into flower much MUCH after various other cvs. and species.  I
> am a bit disappointed since these are advertised as highly
> variegated, but the variegation is of the short lived spring type. It
> is almost faded by the time of flowering. These were just planted
> late last year (end of season sale from Brent and Becky's) so we hope
> they'll perform better in a more normal season next spring.

R de Boer
La Maugardiere 1

Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204
Email:   bulborum@gmail.com

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