Here is my extreme climate, they are in raised concrete planters (25 inches deep) in a plant mix of sandy loam, compost and pumice. They do exceedingly well and flower and set seed prolifically. They've never done well here in pots. As deVos pointed out in his early monograph, they tolerate some summer moisture and I have found that to be true. I don't dig them up annually, turn off irrigation to that bed all summer (except to hand water a few succulents) and expose them to late summer monsoon rains. F. variabile was the last to complete its flowering cycle, even with 100-degree plus temperatures. The former F. nortieri, now simply the northern form of F. crispa is the most well as one of the loveliest. Wish I could share my good fortune with those of you having difficulty. Good luck, Pamela Pamela Slate P.O. Box 5316 Carefree AZ 85377