Like Jim Waddick I have enough space in the garden to appreciate Scilla bifolia, which probably seeds more enthusiastically here than in the Midwest. It isn't a well-known plant to local gardeners, who ask me for it despite my warning that it spreads. Like the common kinds of Muscari, it is best grown under shrubs, and I also have it in a lawn area where other bulbs grow. I had the "pink" form for a while but discarded it because the color is unattractive, which is true of the pink forms of many normally blue-flowered plants. Good pinks exist in hyacinths, though. The white S. bifolia is nice enough, but my preference at this time of year is usually for color. White Chionodoxa is very pretty and increases very rapidly. Flowering in the bulb house is a plant received as Scilla taurica, which I think is actually a subspecies of S. siberica. It has a more copious inflorescence than typical S. siberica and should do well in the open garden now that I have time to put it there next summer. Another large scilla I enjoy at this time of year is S. greilhuberi, which does have messy, lax foliage but pretty mid-blue flowers with long exserted anthers. Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA