watering from the bottom easily

MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER markmazerandfm13@earthlink.net
Sat, 30 Jun 2012 15:59:28 PDT
> My best trays I have are ones I got from a pizza place closing up.  They 
> were the trays they put the dough in and are about 2' x 3' and 4 inch
> and very heavy plastic.

My best trays are made from soldered copper 20 gauge sheet and are almost
40 years old,  2x36x18 inches.  Roofers that work in metals will often
manufacture items like this during the "off" season.

Mark Mazer
Hertford, North Carolina USa
Zone 8a and hot, hot, hot with weekly flushes of rainlily and crinum and
ariseama and eucomis due to adequate rainfall in the garden this season

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