(was no subject) - now yahoo accounts

David Pilling pbs@pilling.demon.co.uk
Sat, 16 Jun 2012 16:56:25 PDT

In message 
Bulborum Botanicum <bulborum@gmail.com> writes
>it seems the computer from Gregg is hacked

Yahoo accounts seem to be a successful target for hacking at the moment, 
this is the second this week here alone.

I'd humbly suggest that if you have a yahoo account you make sure your 
password is strong, and that the answers to the password reset questions 
are not available in the public domain - e.g. you've got your first 
pet's name on facebook.

David Pilling
email: david@pilling.demon.co.uk
   web: http://www.davidpilling.net/

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