wave hill

pelarg@aol.com pelarg@aol.com
Wed, 05 Oct 2011 13:04:01 PDT

 Tsu Yang, the sanseviera is S. kirkii var pulchra.  Gets quite large and when it flowers, the inflorescence is a huge spectacular rounded thing the size of a soccer ball.  

Ernie DeMarie
Tuckahoe NY z 6/7



-----Original Message-----
From: piaba <piabinha@yahoo.com>
To: pbs <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:29 pm
Subject: [pbs] wave hill

i visited wave hill (a garden here in NYC) last week, some pics from the 


(well, the first one is not from wave hill)

of interest to bulbophiles, the 2nd pic is of a x Smithcodonia hybrid 
(Smithiantha x Eucodonia), i didn 't catch the hybrid name.

the last 3 are of Lecanopteris ferns.  not true bulbs, but look at those 
rhizomes!  sorry the last pic is so unfocused.  

does anyone know the species of Sansevieria?

tsuh yang


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