Tsu Yang, the sanseviera is S. kirkii var pulchra. Gets quite large and when it flowers, the inflorescence is a huge spectacular rounded thing the size of a soccer ball. Ernie DeMarie Tuckahoe NY z 6/7 -----Original Message----- From: piaba <piabinha@yahoo.com> To: pbs <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> Sent: Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:29 pm Subject: [pbs] wave hill i visited wave hill (a garden here in NYC) last week, some pics from the greenhouse: http://flickr.com/photos/58391037@N04/… (well, the first one is not from wave hill) of interest to bulbophiles, the 2nd pic is of a x Smithcodonia hybrid (Smithiantha x Eucodonia), i didn 't catch the hybrid name. the last 3 are of Lecanopteris ferns. not true bulbs, but look at those rhizomes! sorry the last pic is so unfocused. does anyone know the species of Sansevieria? ========= tsuh yang