what's blooming this week

Kathleen Sayce ksayce@willapabay.org
Mon, 03 Oct 2011 12:53:03 PDT
Just up a few days ago, and flowering for the first time here is Colchicum agrippinum, which I got as a small bulb from PBS in 2009. The rest of my Colchicum patch (C. autumnale) is past peak but still looking good. 
Amaryllis belladonna is going strong despite two storms in the past week. 
The last lily flowers have finished, and seed pods are growing. I hope to have L. henryi seed for the exchange in a few more weeks. 
The first shoots of Sternbergia lutea appeared this week, so perhaps there will be flowers in a few weeks. 
An unnamed fall flowering crocus (bright orange-red stigmas, lavender petals with darker veins) is flowering in a couple of spots, so I'm going to try to name it this year. 


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