Amaryllis disease question and introduction

J. Agoston
Sat, 29 Oct 2011 12:19:55 PDT
Welcome Randy!

You may try any of the folowing active ingredients: azoxystobin,
difenoconazole, boscalid, fluopyram. And mix it with any of these: thiram
(TMTD), captan, folpet, mancozeb. These are all fungicides and the first
ones are systemic, they go in the cells of the plants, the second group will
not go into the plant cells, but they are effective immediately. If it is
Stagonospora curtisii these will be effective, but be prepared, if you have
high infection pressure you may need to re-apply them 2-3-4 times in 10-14
days, and once or twice every year later to keep your plants healthy.

With Regards,
Janos, Z5a

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