Dear All, As far as I know Canna X Ehemannii and Canna iridflora of trade are the same plant, a hybrid of Canna iridflora. These two plants never set seed. I have bought both in England and found no difference but had to discard them because they declined markedly with virus. Good to know that it will be available soon in a cleande up version. A well grown plant is a magnificent sight. I remember the old glasshouse in Wisley where there was a plant of this canna 4 or 5 metres high in its best time, a few years later it was much shorter, my own plants were grown in the open garden during summer and kept frost free in winter, these never became as tall. Does anybody grow a Canna iridiflora that sets seed? Does your plant, Darlene, set seed in New Zealand? If it did it might be the true Canna iridiflora which apparently is extinct in the wild and not in cultivation..... Maybe it survived in the favourable climate of New Zealand? Greeting from Germany, this will be the night of frost when everything will be gone next morning...... Uli