Lots of new Camassia coulor forms are coming on the market from white, cream, blues, pinks, purples and reds. In the naturalised population at Myddleton house (E.A. Bowles's garden) north London, the variation and breeding potential is apparent. I grow the double white a tall single blue and a single white, but these whites are really cream. The singles self seed prolifically. I also have what I think is supposed to be quammash but it is not nearly so handsome. It self seeds too. The trade names seem to confuse what the species really are, which can be a problem for many genus. I have only seen the name cusikii. I think it may have been in my fathers garden though, - we had a large patch of a strong, cream flowerd camassia about 3 feet tall, and a patch of a taller pale blue Camassia, and a swarm of intermediate seedlings around them. I remember that these were considerd superior to a smaller Camassia which was not really worth garden space, - this would date back to about 1970 or before. Peter (UK) On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 6:29 PM, Jim McKenney <jamesamckenney@verizon.net>wrote: > Jane McGary wrote: "Rarely grown in gardens is C. cusickii from the inland > Northwest, > which is tall and pale blue. I found it an easy garden plant, though." > > I agree with Jane's comment that Camassia cusickii is rarely grown in > gardens. > > But I wonder why that is? As long ago as 1928 Frances Edge McIlvaine's > Spring in the Little Garden gives a full page photograph of a well grown > plant. Her text seems to suggest that she regarded it as a European-raised > cultivar. > > A nice clump in my garden persisted for years but suddenly disappeared. > > Jane also mentioned the double white C. leichtlinii: this one reminds me of > the double tuberose. > Jim McKenney > >