What's blooming in week of 24 October

AW awilson@avonia.com
Wed, 26 Oct 2011 21:37:08 PDT
Indeed, it is a great plant, Nhu. Yours looks fine when grown in the way you
describe. I have grown it only as a succulent planted out in fast-draining
soil. I found out after a few months, and dropped leaves, that it does like
and need water in the summer. For me, it is easier to accommodate its
relative O. gigantea which really is extremely drought tolerant and, at
least here, gets to a large size. But, I might try O. herrerae in a watered
location and see if I can get it to plump up like yours.

San Diego

From: pbs-bounces@lists.ibiblio.org [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.ibiblio.org]
On Behalf Of Nhu Nguyen

On the same subject of Oxalis, I do have a few bulbous species in bloom and
mostly overlapping with Andrew. But I want to share a photo of an amazing
woody South American species, Oxalis teneriensis (syn. Oxalis herrerae). I
planted a stressed out plant in the ground 4 months ago and it took off, and
now blooming very nicely:

The amazing thing about this plant is that if you grow it hard (small pot,
little water, little nutrients) like a succulent, the petioles will swell
and the leaves will drop off to conserve water. Treated this way it's a
succulent. But if you want lush blooming and great architectural form, try
it in the ground in your garden. I have only experience growing this in
coastal California so I have no idea how well it deals with the rest of the
country. It's a great plant that deserves to be planted more widely.

Berkeley, CA

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 4:08 PM, AW <awilson@avonia.com> wrote:

> Reporting only on Oxalis in this message. Here is what's going on:
> Oxalis flava (pink former)
> Oxalis heptaphylla
> Oxalis zeekoevleyensis
> Oxalis bowiea
> Oxalis commutata
> Oxalis hirta
> Oxalis hirta ssp. tubiflora
> Oxalis gracilis
> Oxalis massoniana
> Oxalis glabra

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