When the lilium seed pods begin to turn reddish or begin to brown they are ok for picking to finish drying inside if you are going to store or send to a seed EX the seed must be completely dry or else it will mold, but if you are going to sow immediately the seed does not need to dry out and many report that sowing fresh green, not dry, seed germinate better, Rimmer de Vries SE Michigan On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 12:19 AM, Kathleen Sayce <ksayce@willapabay.org>wrote: > The growing season is winding down here on the PNW coast, and I have two > lilies with ripening pods that I've been watching for weeks. > > Both stems with pods are still mostly green, or greenish yellow. Some > leaves are starting to yellow on both stalks, from the top down. I'm near > salt water, so my yard rarely frosts, but I'm wondering about the cool damp > promoting fungi. And the occasional windstorm, frost, etc. > > When are pods far enough along that I can cut the stalk (upper 1/3) and > bring it indoors to continue to ripen pods in a warm dry place? > > Kathleen > PNW coast, zone 8, with a mild wet winter arriving soon > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > pbs@lists.ibiblio.org > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/ >