Hi Paul, I would agree with your statement ... at least with Boophone. Repot early in the season shortly after new seasonal growth has initiated. I did so last year with the 2 larger potted specimens and plan to do so with the remaining two ... along with several community pots of 2.5-year old B.haemanthoides seedlings. I am debating whether or not to do the same with these 2.5-year old Brunsvigia orientalis seedlings: http://flickr.com/photos/amarguy/… any thoughts from the Amaryllid experts out there? Ken Blackford San Diego --- On Thu, 10/20/11, Paul Licht <plicht@berkeley.edu> wrote: When did you repot (seasonally). I used to think that repotting was done during dormancy but now think it is best when they start sprouting.